Taking stock midway through my 50th year. So much to be grateful for, so many things to look forward to.

The renewed sense of God's all-encompassing grace, which has allowed me to hold on to my faith, turning everything over to Him, and letting Him guide me as I continue to flounder through my mistakes and missteps. He has not just kept me afloat, He has also showered me with so many blessings.

The connections created and connections lost, which brought their own lessons and blessings. They allowed me to be vulnerable and to learn how to seek and accept help. They also taught me how to stand up for myself and others, set my boundaries, and put my foot down when enough was enough.

The shift in my personal relationships, affirming that the people closest to me will always have my back, even as they work through their own issues. The comfort and contentment that have descended into our home, creating a sanctuary that finally made home feel like home.

The healing. Finding myself again after years of wondering where the old me went and if I would ever have her back. It's an ongoing process, but I'm on my way to reclaiming myself and finding ways to grow some more.

So yeah, 50 has been a pivotal year so far and these are but the highlights.
